ABOUT US – ukPizzaCraft



Our Story

Founded in 2017 by Mark and Rosie, our mobile wood-fired pizza business is the culmination of a love story that began over a shared passion for pizza seven years ago. It all started when we embarked on a culinary adventure to Naples, Italy, where we were captivated by the authentic taste and tradition of the Neapolitan style pizza. Inspired by the flavors and culture of Naples, we knew we wanted to bring that experience back home.

Our Journey

After returning from Naples, we dove headfirst into the world of pizza-making, experimenting with dough recipes, sourcing the finest ingredients, and perfecting our wood-fired cooking technique. Armed with our trusty mobile wood-fired oven, we hit the road, serving up piping hot pizzas at local pitches, festivals, and markets.

Family Values

Fast forward six years, and our business has blossomed into a thriving enterprise. But perhaps the greatest blessing of all is the addition of our little girl to the mix. As parents and partners in both life and business, we are committed to upholding the same values that brought us together: quality, authenticity, and a genuine love for what we do.

Our Experience

With a combined pizza experience of over 25 years, Mark and Rosie bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every pie they create. From traditional Neapolitan classics to innovative flavor combinations, our pizzas are crafted with care and skill honed over decades in the industry.

Our Promise

At Pizzacraft, we're more than just a business—we're a family. And whether you're a longtime fan or trying our pizza for the first time, we invite you to taste the love and dedication that goes into every slice. From our family to yours, buon appetito!